Meet Maria Castellanos of Ensenada Pool & Spa Services, who is nominated for Pool Nation’s “Pool Woman of the Year” this year. We recently interviewed Maria after one of our Raypak training sessions for our Pool Time podcast, which you can watch or listen to here >>> YouTube or Spotify.
Maria got started in the pool industry by initially helping her husband with his route in the fall, when the leaves were falling into the pool and he wasn’t able to complete his route every day. According to Maria, he often returned with his lunch untouched because he was too busy and overwhelmed to take a break and eat. So, Maria sprang into action to help and the husband-wife coworking duo was set.
We asked Maria what she loves most about the industry, and aside from repairs, she loves being able to work outside. “I like to talk to people, unlike my husband! I educate myself and our customers at the same time while learning the industry day in and day out”, she furthered.
Maria is a firm believer that in order to be successful in the pool industry, you have to be creative in finding solutions to problems. “We encountered some issues that we didn’t know how to improve. At that time, I started watching videos on YouTube and found a pool girl who was providing pool services. She explained about pool repairs, and that’s when I realized the potential of knowledge in this industry in addressing various pool problems.”
Because of her diligence to expand her knowledge and resources when it comes to learning, we asked her if she had any mentors or role models who guided her along the way. Here is what she had to say:
I have received a lot of help from various people since I started maintaining pools. I remember reaching out to a few pool experts for advice when I encountered problems with algae that I couldn’t clear up. Eager to learn more, I started listening to podcasts, which not only helped me improve my vocabulary but also allowed me to learn from others’ experiences. Through this search, I discovered the Pool Nation Podcast, where I found out that there were many women in the pool industry who were also learning and growing. I will never forget when Edgar de Jesus called me – yes, he called me! He encouraged me to learn not only about chemistry, but also about the financial aspects of running my business. Every time I called him, he was there for me, even though he was many miles away. I want to give special attention to Michelle Watson. She doesn’t just clean pools; she also changes lights, installs filters, pumps, pump seals, and more. Seeing her do these tasks makes me more confident that if I keep learning, I could do them too one day.
As a Pool Woman of the Year Nominee, we asked Maria what some of the most important lessons are she has learned throughout her career so far.
- EDUCATION is the most important. I found that attending as many seminars as possible, training classes or webinars are key to succeed in this industry.
- NEVER ADD WATER to the pool, that’s the owner’s responsibilities
- NEVER lower your prices to keep / add a new account.
- ALWAYS let your customers know what you are doing to solve a problem and also the cost for that service.
- KNOW YOUR NUMBERS, your financials are the most important part of your business

As a Raypak partner, we wanted to learn if Ensenada Pool & Spa Services had a customer story they’d like to share. One that came to mind for Maria was a customer who had a Raypak heater for more than 30 years, and then one day his heater stopped working. Maria’s team attempted to fix it with the help of a Raypak representative, who told her what to do in an attempt to fix a discontinued unit. She explained the situation to her customer and attempted to fix the older unit, explaining that in the end, it may need to be replaced for the new AVIA. Maria was able to fix the older unit and make it work, and the best part was that they were able to save their customer money in the short term. She said her “customer was so happy because Raypak is a reliable company and helped him fix his heater. He stated that once this heater goes bad, he will for sure switch to the AVIA!”. We are thankful for Raypak representatives who team up with pool professionals to make these types of success stories.
When we asked Maria what the most rewarding aspect of her career in the pool and spa industry has been, she replied, “The most rewarding aspect of my career is when my customers say they trust me and my decisions or recommendations.” Maria is a trustworthy, lifelong student of the pool industry and a pillar of professionalism and determination. We are thankful for her role in the industry and wish her all the best.

“My goal is to be able to solve and repair by myself any problem that we may have on our routes. I also would like to inspire others to learn and never think that they know it all; there is always room to improve,” Maria stated. We believe in you, Maria, just like the many others you have worked with and will continue to encounter along the way.
Connect with Maria at ensenadapoolservices@gmail.com or 747-465-9416.